
Ficta creates

Radical storiesfor innovation


Ficta presents

Fatconomyand the

Fatconomy and the uncharted future of fats
Supported by the Royal Commission Exhibition of 1851 ‘Fatconomy and the uncharted future of fats’ is a series of design driven investigations into waste fats and oils, focusing on the main (and only) trade that deals with our ever-increasing fat and oil waste output produced from all commercial and domestic kitchens: biofuel production. working alongside industry - this project hopes to open a new material culture and narrative surrounding the power of fat.
The fat map

The fat map

Exploring future material possibilities with biofuel made from waste fat. The fat map links a new selection of trades together to actively contribute to more transparent waste management systems.
Social Dreaming

Social Dreaming

Together, with a curated group of experts we speculated and reacted to new biowaste biproducts i.e., wood flour and waste oil and the future material economies that can exist.


A social dreaming workshop on the future of biofuel and fat-based materials.


Fat Futures/Fuel the labour

Biofuel tour film.


Ficta presents

Ficta presents