The fat map

How valuable is our oil and fat waste? And Where does it go? The fat map was designed to reveal the waste system currently in place to provide feedstock for biofuel – but how long will this feedstock last? And what more can we do with our restaurant’s waste stream to provide a more sustainable future with our oil waste?

The fat map reveals hidden networks that are currently at play – but with the impending energy transitions for road fuels, an uncertain future lies ahead for our biofuel system, and our fat!

The fat network speculates new pathways leading up to the year 2050, pathways that drive a new material culture and awareness on the power of fat and biofuel. This network is a developing map for Fatconomy and will continue to grow with new members taking part in hybrid, circular economy for a new, sustainable, material culture.

Use the slider to affect the future network, see the value of the waste oil price grow and drop - when more nodes are added the ‘fat stock market’ becomes more valuable with more uses integrated into its material culture.

The fat map

The fat map

The fat map


Ficta presents

Ficta presents